eBooks gadget with much to explore even
The technological revolution to the world of reading has still much to develop and the ebook is decisive in the beginning because in the global industry has taken steps that have made him change drastically in the last five years to the point that only in the United States their sales exceed 20 percent of the total.
The trends in the use and production are just in their infancy because, for example, so far in India, for example, is developing a new educational plan that includes a tablet which will be incorporated educational texts, tasks, exercises and all modality interactive education.
For his part in the Book Fair in Frankfurt, one of the most important in the publishing industry worldwide-Star was the address book where technology stands for book lovers, companies from Korea excelled up small micro South Africa, through major Brazilian virtual education platforms.
Only in the field of education, the eBook will be major changes in university pre primary schools, primary, secondary and they do see the e-book is just in its infancy and that reading literature is no longer a first its start mode.