Google will lower your costs in the cloud service
In a blog post on Monday, Google outlined the basic lines and rates for “Compute Engine” part of a broader service that competes with Amazon AWS storage systems to provide corporate clients, while plants are shifting from internal data piecemeal fashion.
The U.S. giant Google will cut prices of its cloud services in its strategy to reach other industry leaders such as Amazon, IBM and Microsoft (Azure) in the growing market for internet service companies.
Silicon Valley’s top cut prices by 10 percent in the most basic services and 60 percent in high-end storage. Google said the service was now “generally available,” noting that meets the basic internal quality and is ready for wider deployment.
“Google is poised to become the next big competitor in cloud services, with a great application platform and great service infrastructure, competing for a slice of the pie growing information technology,” said Colin Sebastian, RW Baird expert.
Note that other competitors of Google and GoDaddy are Backspace, to name a few.