Mark Zuckerberg field answers questions on Facebook
There were some uncomfortable questions but last Thursday the owner Mark Zuckerberg answers questions from the field in Facebook also some of his lieutenants on Facebook responded to questions from the audience in a live Q & A last Thursday of this week.
The questions were presented in the same Facebook and also taken from people in the room where the event was held in the style of “municipality”. Several of the responses Zuckerberg may not have been very revealing to say, but if you were interesting.
Some features that never saw the light of day
have designed version of the news service was very spacing … It was very aesthetically pleasing. But it turned out that people who used the service just did not like. The engineers from Facebook, apparently, had optimized the new version of their own huge monitors. Most people are not using it as a screen 25 inches when using Facebook. Rather than watch two, maybe three stories on the screen when loaded into Facebook.
As if Facebook is losing its cool!
My goal was never really make cool Facebook !. I do not consider it a cool person !. And I’ve never tried to be cool! “Instead of cool, Facebook should be helpful and always there, like a utility a tool .
Visit: Q & A with Mark | Is is the official transmission of Facebook