Support of more codecs for Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Announces Support of more codecs for Windows 10 , this way the Windows media player can run natively many formats of audio and video that until now could only do so after installing third party codecs.
The announcement was made via twitter Gabriel Aul who is in charge of Windows Insider .
The developments that are advertised are compatibility OPERATING SYSTEM with such popular formats like FLAC and mkv, ie these formats can be used by any application native of Microsoft .
This is important due to the growth flac has had with its excellent way to encode the sound lossless, meaning that codes exactly as was the original sound file, it is worth to say cds audio plus the size of file is about half of its original.
Compatibility with the mkv was introduced from the preview 9860. Version compatibility flac and other file formats will be available in version Windows 10 to be launched in April 2015 and which is said more details will and will reveal new this expected version of Windows.