Themeforest : BuyShop – Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme
- Fully responsive 100%.
- Retina Ready. Optimized images, icon font
- Real Transformer which will allow to control every pixel. Unlimited colours, backgrounds, textures, fonts etc.
- Well structured and re-factored code with useful comments. No core files changed
- Fluid grid system base on Bootstrap framework
- Included PSD and HTML version
- One click install including sample data
- Login using Facebook Twitter credentials
- Ajax add to cart, add to wishlist/compare, toolbar paging/sort. You can enable/disable this feature.
- Google fonts
- SEO Friendly Design and Layout Structure. Compatible with all WordPress SEO features
- Cross browser compatibility ((Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 8 +))
- Icon animation (css3) on/off
- Ajax search auto complete
- Product short attributes in hover preview (on/off)
- Quick view option
- Discount labels on sale products on/off
- Mega Menu
- Custom logout, checkout, 404 pages
- Footer popup static/enable/disable modes
- 2 header variants including different sliders type (Flex, Parallax etc.)
- Bestsellers, New, On Sale sliders in different views
- Custom html blocks which can be simply edited
- “New” and “Sale” badges
- social widgets (Facebook, Twitter)
- hide footer option
- right vertical side bar
- product hover choice option (hover or detailed view with the previews)
- Ability set flexslider width (wide/fixed width)
- Flexslider has original navigation animation
- Image slider option for each category
- 3,4,5,6 products per row
- with/without description option
- Setup sidebar (enable/disable). All blocks are sortable. You can enable/disable any block via admin panel
- ajax price filter
- big/small product view
- video option (just insert youtube url)
- choice between cloudzoom, lightbox for big previews
- related product slider turn on/off option
- social bookmarks
- custom html block, tab
- Previous & Next functionality with the previews