Google Maps complete destination information
The version 9.1 of Google Maps complete destination information to the user, as time and weather conditions. The main function of Google Maps is searching for addresses of places to go in this new update more information about the destination is added as it adds a tab to place data accompanied by an image of Street View , also makes a brief comment on the history of the place, weather conditions such as temperature, cloudiness and local time.
For users who use it to find the most direct and save times, route also have an important improvement because now you can display different routes dynamically detecting streets without exits or unused railroad tracks and traces an alternative route to avoid them. Allows access to incident reports to inform us about the reason for the problem of traffic jam by works or accidents .
The browsers that have WebGL will enjoy the functionality of Google Earth as they have been integrated to the map and do not need to install anything extra. The interaction that makes the user allows Google Maps make suggestions according to the data to be entered.
This new update is available for Android and can be downloaded from Google Play .
Download Google Play .