MayanPitz Mayan ball game created in Guatemala
MayanPitz is the name of the game, fully in three dimensions which can be downloaded for free on sites for Apple and Android in Spanish, English and Italian. It can be viewed on tablets and smartphones.
Hunapú and Ixbalanqué protagonists of Popol Vuh, the sacred book of the Mayas, compete in a classic ball field in the project that Daniel Monroy and his team developed for seven months.
The playing fields are real and took only a few of the 1,500 existing in the lands inhabited by the Maya.Since May 30, the launch date, has 7,500 downloads, mainly from Japan and China.
Game name was chosen by combining “aspirational” name, like “mayan” and “pitz” meaning “Mayan ball game” in local language. The game tries to rescue part of the culture through the ball game.
Visit: MayanPitz | Visit Their Website
Download: MayanPitz | iOS version – FREE
Download: MayanPitz | verision Android – FREE