Mini Surface will be presented this May 20
Microsoft has a surprise for us, the Mini Surface will be presented this May 20 at a special event dedicated to the Microsoft Tablet, Surface magnum. Apparently the month of May is still a month of events companies showcase their products.
That’s why Mini Tablet Surface will be presented this May 20 to the general public. Another news that has us all very confused is Microsoft’s alliance with companies Samsung, Motorola and LG. This new union is to present the Mini Surface.
Microsoft sent an invitation to media such as newspapers and blogs. Where a small launch theme invitation. But this small release is to present the Mini surface. is invited to this invitation.
The conference for the presentation of the Mini Surface will be presented this May 20 in the city of New York and experts say the new Mini Surface can have a 7 “screen and / or 8” inches. Something totally new to the company Microsoft.
The main challenge to overcome is the Apple iPad. And even if it looks complicated Microsoft has slowly gained ground in the tablet market.
Mini Surface will be presented this May 20
Visit: Surface