Online sale of video games is the best
United States shows that digital sales are gaining ground, while sales of securities in physical form are falling.
According to the research firm, in the second quarter of 2013 over 61% ($ 1.77 billion) in gaming revenue came from digital content. This includes subscriptions, downloads of full games, add-ons (DLC), mobile and social games.
The games in physical format totaled $ 769 million (3% less than the first quarter) and sales / rentals of used titles contributed $ 343 million.
“The decline in sales of games in physical format are due to the reduction in the number of new products released to retailers, with 37% in the second quarter of 2013 compared to the second quarter of 2012. This was expected, given that developers, publishers and consumers alike are preparing for the next generation of hardware, “said NPD analyst Liam Callahan in the report.
“The increase in digital format spending offset most of the losses of the decline in spending physical format, with digital downloads of full games and downloadable content experienced a combined increase of 27% compared to the second quarter of 2012. The increase in spending was through video games and PC in digital format. “