The Samjiyon tablet not connecting to internet
To the surprise of many users, the famous North Korean Samjiyon Tablet, has difficulty connecting to the internet. Despite its affordable price for a tourist, the average population of that city can not acquire it so easily.
Unlike tablets in the South Korean market by the Samsung company, which develops devices of all sizes, new North Korean tablet, Samjiyon, allows easy access to games like Angry Birds or Air Control, but not surfing the Internet.
Its screen has the same resolution as the current generation of iPad mini. Its performance is good, with smooth transitions. However, it has software problems. Google applications are not available.Furthermore, it is impossible to connect to WiFi networks.
You can only access the pages of Korean intranet, slightly limited, but includes some famous games like Angry Birds Rio, basketball and some other issues like self defense.
Perhaps, the Tablet that is functional in its variety of educational applications that allow the opportunity to learn English or read educational books on a variety of materials, including some math, music.